You can partner with missionaries through prayer

Missionaries need prayer more than ever before. The obstacles they face in bringing the gospel to the world are tremendous, and it is only by God’s power that they overcome them. 

From the Deaf communities of Africa to the Mongolian people of Russia and Outer Mongolia, to the Asian-Pacific Rim islanders, to the Aegean Turks of Turkey, our missionaries are reaching people groups in remote and unreached places all over the world with the love of God, and they desperately need our prayers.

Will you commit to praying with us for seven days?

For the next week, you will receive a daily prayer request from seven missionaries, telling you about their ministries and listing a few specific prayer needs to prompt your prayers. 

You may not be able to cross oceans or break language barriers, but your participation in IMB missions as a prayer warrior is every bit as important and needed. Please pray with us.

Your Pray for a Missionary prayer reminders can start today! Just let us know where to send them.